Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

Advanced Secrets Of Tuna Fishing

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Advanced Secrets Of Tuna Fishing

"Tuna Fishing" Learn how to catch tuna! Yellowfin, bluefin, longfin, longtail, albacore, big eye
Do You Want To Find, Attract,
And Catch More Tuna?
You might think you know about tuna fishing but I've discovered that the majority of anglers are doing it all wrong!
Change your luck for the better today
with the greatest goldmine of tuna fishing fishing techniques ever crammed into one book...
Welcome fishing fanatics!
If you are anything like me, the thought of going fishing and seeing a glimmering tuna bust the surface of the ocean as it fights on the end of your line is enough to make you smile! My face literally lights up when I think about fishing for tuna on my boat "the bluefin" and I get excited to the point where I can hardly sleep the night before a trip.
Since the first time I caught a yellowfin tuna as a young boy alongside my brother, I knew that
tuna fishing
would be something I'd be hooked on for the rest of my life! Not every 11 year old kid gets to see a 250kg yellowfin up close and personal, so you can imagine why it stuck in my head and made such a big impression.
It's amazing how one event in my childhood could affect my entire destiny. Now I teach people all around the world how to find and catch more tuna... everyone from amateur anglers, to professional boat skippers, game fishing professionals and several world record holders in multiple countries (young and old).
There is no denying the facts: when you buy my book of tuna fishing secrets you will greatly increase your chances of finding & catching tuna.
With the odds stacked against fisherman so heavily these days, with overfishing and the huge amount of anglers competing with each other, it's no worder that people are looking for better methods and tips to use. Mind you, it's only the smart ones like yourself that are willing to learn a better way of tuna fishing... the rest are just repeating old habits that simply don't work!
So in basic terms, if you are already a keen fan of tuna sport fishing or you wish to begin catching tuna in your recreational boat then you have one simple option:
Learn the secrets of how to find and catch tuna today in this amazing book! You'll be getting inside information that only the pro's know :)
If you wish to be part of the smart percentage of fisherman that realizes the advantages of having inside knowledge in order to increase their success with tuna fishing I'd like to recommend to you my book "
The Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing
But before I go any further, I want to confess something to you and be completely honest... I haven't always been a pro at tuna fishing. I can remember the times when I would go out in my boat and catch very few tuna, and sometimes none at all. If you've ever had a fishing trip like that, you'll know how it feels to be on your way home and just wishing you could have caught at least one big whopper.
But I never gave up trying! I never gave up learning! The one day after speaking to a guy that had caught more than 2 dozen tuna on a day that I caught none, it dawned on me that my knowledge and catch rate improves each time I ask questions. It sounds simple, but really how many times do you go out of your way to speak with other anglers and share tips with them?
Since a young boy I've been in the habit of walking up to strangers at the boat ramp or down at the fishing wharf and chatting to them about techniques, recent catches, the best local areas, etc. So I put two and two together then made the plan to go out of my way to find and speak to as many tuna fisherman as I can.
Since then I've travelled to more than 27 countries and spoken to literally hundreds of recreational and professional fisherman to find out exactly what works for them.
I've spent the past 20 years chasing tuna, talking to tuna fishermen and researching everything I can about tuna fishing. Finally I've released the most comprehensive tuna fishing book in the world & it has eveRead more detail

Result of Advanced Secrets Of Tuna Fishing

Advanced Secrets Of Tuna Fishing What Fishermen Are Calling The Best Tuna Fishing Guide Ever Written. Action Packed With Exciting Stories And Insider ,If you are anything like me, the thought of going fishing and seeing a glimmering tuna bust the surface of the ocean as it fights on the end of your line ,Tuna And Mercury. QUESTION: Hi Tom: I love albacore tuna or salmon. Do you have any concern about the levels of mercury now being found in tuna and in larger fish?,What fishermen are calling the best tuna fishing guide ever written. Action packed with exciting stories and insider secrets from tuna fishe,I challenge anyone to read this book and not get excited about tuna fishing. These methods really do work! Do you love to go fishing but never have much,I found this product online and I though I would review it for you and tell you what I think. First, I want you to notice it says advanced, this is not as true as it ,Get more info on Advanced Secrets Of Tuna Fishing (ratings, editorial and user reviews) - Buy with our 100% money back guarantee.,Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing. Introducing the only book in the world that has been written specifically to help any amateur fisherman find and catch tuna using ,Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing. Introducing the only book in the world that has been written specifically to help any amateur fisherman find and catch tuna using ,Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing - Kindle edition by Chris Connor. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like

Search Result Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing eBook: Chris Connor
Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing - Kindle edition by Chris Connor. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like

Softcover printed version. Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing
Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing. Introducing the only book in the world that has been written specifically to help any amateur fisherman find and catch tuna using

"Tuna Fishing" Learn how to catch tuna! Yellowfin, bluefin
Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing. Introducing the only book in the world that has been written specifically to help any amateur fisherman find and catch tuna using

Advanced Secrets Of Tuna Fishing - User Reviews and Ratings
Get more info on Advanced Secrets Of Tuna Fishing (ratings, editorial and user reviews) - Buy with our 100% money back guarantee.

Product Review: Advanced Secrets Of Tuna Fishing - The Saltwater
I found this product online and I though I would review it for you and tell you what I think. First, I want you to notice it says advanced, this is not as true as it

Advanced Secrets Of Tuna Fishing. - Downriggers | Electric
I challenge anyone to read this book and not get excited about tuna fishing. These methods really do work! Do you love to go fishing but never have much

Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing Download
What fishermen are calling the best tuna fishing guide ever written. Action packed with exciting stories and insider secrets from tuna fishe

How To Fish For Tuna » Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing
Tuna And Mercury. QUESTION: Hi Tom: I love albacore tuna or salmon. Do you have any concern about the levels of mercury now being found in tuna and in larger fish?

Advanced Secrets of Tuna Fishing | info
If you are anything like me, the thought of going fishing and seeing a glimmering tuna bust the surface of the ocean as it fights on the end of your line

* Advanced Secrets Of Tuna Fishing | everyone
Advanced Secrets Of Tuna Fishing What Fishermen Are Calling The Best Tuna Fishing Guide Ever Written. Action Packed With Exciting Stories And Insider

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